Monday, January 17, 2005

Is there really love at first sight?

Research suggests that the "love at first sight" phenomenon is almost always "lust at first sight." Relationships based on first impressions almost always end in tatters. The extreme passion one sometimes feels in the beginning of a relationship fades rapidly; it's usually quite weak within 18 months. True psychological and emotional intimacy takes time to develop. Historically, passionate love was seen as a kind of madness, and love and passion weren't considered a legitimate basis for marriage until recent times.

From :

Super Size Me

Tonight, I saw a film call "super size me". I should see it since last year but in my country where can I suppose to go to see. Come to think about it, I've to buy a dvd if I wanna see this film but I've never seen this dvd in any dvd shop so I've to download from internet and saw it a bit late. After I saw it makes me don't wanna eat any fast food but I know I can't do that cause fast food is always my favorite food especally Mcdonald. But I promise to myself that I won't bring my kid to school that sell fast food for lunch. I don't wanna get fat and I don't wanna see my kid get fat either.